John Bromley, Cuckfield
Cuckfield resident and writer John Bromley has just had his first novel published at the age of 75.
His new book ‘The Adventures of Arthur Mulrooney’ is a fictional tale based in a small fishing community in South Devon in the years after the Second World War.
The title character has a secretive past and is obsessed with protecting his anonymity, which then arouses suspicion from the other villagers.
John explains: “I started writing this book about ten years ago. It emanated from a name that just popped into my head. My main inspiration behind the book is really about injustice and that sometimes in life the things that happen shouldn’t happen at all.”
His interest in writing started as a young boy and over the course of his life he has written nine books.
“I used to write and do nothing with them. Once or twice I have made attempts to get some of my other novels published but just gave up as I thought well if they haven’t accepted them this time then they probably never would. So they’ve just been gathering dust.”
John would like to see more of his books published one day. “I have a book in the making that I wrote about 20 years ago. It’s been rewritten about three or four times. It has been to the publishers who offered me a contract a while ago so we’ll just have to wait and see how that goes.”
John is originally from London and moved to Cuckfield a number of years ago to be closer to his family. “We’ve been here now for almost 11 years. We’ve made a good few friends. It’s a lovely village and we’re very happy to be part of it.”
To purchase a copy of John’s new book please visit