By Vicky Koch
Fairly new to the village, Greener Cuckfield is an eclectic group of ten or so residents who are acting as a steering group to promote and facilitate small sustainable steps in the village. Everyone has a different background but we are all aiming for the same thing. There are two members doing a Masters in Environmental Studies, one member of Cuckfield Local, two governors from Holy Trinity School, a member of Mid Sussex Community Garden and a member of Mid Sussex District Council, to name a few.
(from top left going clockwise): Jo Notaras, Vicky Koch, Will Faas and Sheila Harris
The original idea to form Greener Cuckfield came in late 2019 after going to a Fairer World Lindfield event called ‘Your climate - Your choices’ with my friend Charlotte Rawle. Something that really struck a chord for both of us came from the talk with Climate Reality Project Leader, Peter Desmond. In his presentation about the climate and ecological crisis, he echoed a point from the film ‘2040 - Join The Regeneration’ that no one can help but be a hypocrite because the world’s system is based around fossil fuels.
As saddening as this point was, it also felt very liberating to hear. One of the most disheartening parts of wanting to do anything ethical is that you feel you will be outed as a hypocrite for buying anything with plastic or for driving a diesel car. Yet now it was clear that by making small manageable steps to lead a greener lifestyle we could still be doing the right thing. This became the ethos for what is now Greener Cuckfield.
It did not take long for a WhatsApp group to form. Originally we wanted to spread awareness by putting on events, perhaps even organise some trips. However, the pandemic came along so all of those ideas were put on hold and Greener Cuckfield was adapted into something a bit more Covid-friendly.
One of our key accomplishments to date has been creating a Christmas shopping directory to signpost people to their local shops and businesses. Ethical lifestyles often come with the stigma of being costly, not convenient and time consuming. So we felt that having the directory might help overcome some of these common barriers to greener living.
Other achievements include creating a presence online with our Facebook page and Twitter account; the launch of our website; and setting up a blog. In the new year, we would really like to have guest blogs on the website from as many different voices as possible, as long as they are positive and constructive. So, if you are interested in writing for us, please do get in contact.
Since setting up the directory, the group has taken a life of its own. During our first Zoom meeting, ‘Terracycling bins’ throughout Cuckfield became the latest focus. Terracycling aims to recycle things that you cannot recycle from your bins at home such as contact lenses, coffee capsules and bread bags. Recently we did a poll on Cuckfield Gossip to find out what Terracycle bin people wanted most. Crisp packets were the most popular. So far we have reached out to various locations and had positive responses from the Rose & Crown, Wheatsheaf and the Parish Council. So hopefully it will not be long before you find these in the village.
Future possibilities for Greener Cuckfield seem endless at this stage. We are in the process of talking to similar groups in surrounding villages and towns who we expect will give us a lot of food for thought. Yet the people we really want to talk to are the residents of Cuckfield. We want to know what you want for the future and what you would like from this steering group. Then we can go back to our team, reach out to the many groups of Cuckfield and see what we are all capable of.
You can get in touch via email:, or find the group on Facebook, Twitter or see the website: