News from Cuckfield Parish Council - January 2023
Warm Hubs
In partnership with Age UK, we are delighted to have launched the new Coffee & Company sessions last November. We offer a warm space at the Queen’s Hall for any Age UK members and non-members (age 50+) to share a bit of company with a warm cup of tea or coffee. These take place every Monday afternoon from 1pm until 3pm, so please come along to the Council Chamber to join us - no need to book.
In the same spirit, we are hoping to open the Council Chamber at the Queen’s Hall as a warm hub in the New Year and would appeal for volunteers to help us run these sessions. The warm hub will be opened based on volunteers’ availability, starting with one day per week and progressing to more days should it be a success! Opening days would be restricted to Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If you have any time to give please contact Noemi at
News from Cuckfield Parish Council - January 2023
Upcoming events for your diaries...
Rain or Shine - Sherlock Holmes and the Musical Mystery will be performed at the Queen’s Hall on 27th January 2023 at 7pm. For more information, please visit:
We have secured another date with Team Rubicon who will be running a Skate Jam event on Friday 17th February 2023 from 10am to 3pm at Cuckfield Skatepark. This is a free event open to all ages and ability. So come along and give it a try, all equipment provided so no excuses!
We are also delighted to announce that we will be hosting another Silver Sunday afternoon at the Queen’s Hall on Sunday 23rd April 2023 from 1-3pm. We will provide more information closer to the event.
A new noticeboard has also been installed at Cuckfield cemetery in the Newbury section where you will find the current rules and regulations as well as other notices. We are also delighted to announce that a second Queen’s Jubilee bench has been installed at Whitemans Green outside the Co-op.
News from Cuckfield Parish Council - January 2023
News from Cuckfield Parish Council - January 2023
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